Sota SATO,
Associate Professor (ERATO)
Advanced Institute for Materials Research (WPI-AIMR), Tohoku University
Contact Information
Address: 6-3, Aramaki Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8578
E-mail: satosota“at”m.tohoku.ac.jp (but replace “at” with “@”)
Personal Homepage:http://www.orgchem2.chem.tohoku.ac.jp
E-mail: satosota“at”m.tohoku.ac.jp (but replace “at” with “@”)
Personal Homepage:http://www.orgchem2.chem.tohoku.ac.jp
Fields of Interest
Organic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, NMR Spectroscopy
Professional Experience
1999-2005 | Undergraduate & Graduate Research, The University of Tokyo (Prof. E. Nakamura Lab.) |
2005-2007 | Research Associate, The University of Tokyo |
2007-2010 | Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo |
2010- 2013 | Lecturer, The University of Tokyo |
2013-present | Associate Professor, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University |
2013-present | Associate Professor (ERATO), WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University |
Ph. D., The University of Tokyo, 2005
Membership of Academic Societies
The Chemical Society of Japan,Japan Society of Coordination Chemistry,The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Society of Japan, The Japanese Society for Synchrotron Radiation Research, The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
Awards & Honors
- 1st Symposium on Tokyo University COE (Chemistry and Materials) (Tokyo) Poster Award (2004)
- Chemistry Innovation UT GCOE Lectureship, Lectures in Canada (2009)
- Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (2009)
Research Project
Magnetic Alignment of Hierarchically Self-Assembled Clustered Complexes (until June 27, 2013)
Selected Publications
Harris, K., Sun, Q.-F., Sato, S., Fujita, M.
“M12L24 Spheres with Endo and Exo Coordination Sites: Scaffolds for Non-Covalent Functionalization”,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 12497 (2013).
Fujita, D., Suzuki, K., Sato, S., Yagi-Utsumi, M., Yamaguchi, Y., Mizuno, N., Kumasaka, T., Takata, M., Noda, M., Uchiyama, S., Kato, K., Fujita, M.
“Protein Encapsulation within Synthetic Molecular Hosts”,
Nature Commun., 3, 1093 (2012).
Takao, K., Suzuki, K., Ichijo, T., Sato, S., Asakura, H., Teramura, K., Kato, K., Ohba, T., Morita, T., Fujita, M.
“Incarceration of (PdO)n and Pdn Clusters by Cage-Templated Synthesis of Hollow Silica Nanoparticles”,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 5893-5896 (2012).
Sun, Q.-F., Sato, S., Fujita, M.
“An M18L24 Stellated Cuboctahedron through Post-Stellation of an M12L24 Core”,
Nature Chem., 4, 330-333 (2012).
Sun, Q.-F., Iwasa, J., Ogawa, D., Ishido, Y., Sato, S., Ozeki, T., Sei, Y., Yamaguchi, K.,
Fujita, M.
“Self-Assembled M24L48 Polyhedra and Their Sharp Structural Switch upon Subtle Ligand Variation”,
Science, 328, 1144-1147 (2010).