Associate Professor
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Contact Information
Address: B2-3 (611), Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603
E-mail: ayae“at”apchem.nagoya-u.ac.jp (but replace “at” with “@”)
Personal Homepage: http://www.apchem.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ketsu5/
E-mail: ayae“at”apchem.nagoya-u.ac.jp (but replace “at” with “@”)
Personal Homepage: http://www.apchem.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ketsu5/
Fields of Interest
Polymer Materials Chemistry, Biopolymers, Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials, Self-Assembly
Professional Experience
1998-2004 | Undergraduate & Graduate Research, The University of Tokyo (T. Kato) |
2004-2007 | JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
2007-2008 | JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, California Institute of Technology |
2008-2013 | Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo |
2014-present | Associate Professor , Nagoya University |
Dr. 2004, The University of Tokyo
Membership of Academic Societies
The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, The Societies of Chemical Engineers, Japan, American Chemical Society
Awards & Honors
- The 11th Symposium of Material Society of Japan, Poster Award (1999)
- The 83th Annual Meeting of The Chemical Society of Japan, Student Presentation Award (2003)
- 4th IBB BioFuture Research Encouragement Prize Award, Tokyo Medical Dental University (2006)
- The 86th Annual Meeting of The Chemical Society of Japan, Presentation Award (2006)
- Award for Encouragement of Research in Polymer Science, the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2011)
Research Project
Fine Design and Synthesis of Fusion Materials Based on Functionalized Peptides
Selected Publications
Le, D. H. T., Hanamura, R. Pham. D.-H., Kato, M., Tirrell, D. A., Okubo, T., Sugawara-Narutaki, A.
“Self-Assembly of Elastin–Mimetic Double Hydrophobic Polypeptides”,
Biomacromolecules, 14, 1028−1034 (2013).
Sugawara-Narutaki, A.
“Bio-Inspired Synthesis of Polymer–Inorganic Nanocomposite Materials in Mild Aqueous Systems”,
Polym. J., 45, 269−276 (2013).
Zhou, S., Sakamoto, T., Wang, J., Sugawara-Narutaki, A., Shimojima, A., Okubo, T.
“One-Dimensional Assembly of Silica Nanospheres: Effects of Nonionic Block Copolymers”,
Langmuir, 28, 13181−13188 (2012).
Wang, J., Winardi, S., Sugawara-Narutaki, A., Kumamoto, A., Tohei, T., Shimojima, A., Okubo, T.
“Chain-Like Nanostructures from Anisotropic Self-Assembly of Semiconducting Metal Oxide Nanoparticles with a Block Copolymer”
, Chem. Commun., 48, 11115-11117 (2012).
Wang, J., Sugawara-Narutaki, A., Fukao, M., Yokoi, T., Shimojima, A., Okubo, T.
“Two-Phase Synthesis of Monodisperse Silica Nanospheres with Amines or Ammonia Catalyst and Their Controlled Self-Assembly”
, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 3, 1538-1544 (2011).