Department of Frontier Materials Chemistry, Hirosaki University
Contact Information
Address: 3 Bunkyo-cho, Hirosaki, Aomori, 036-8561
E-mail: ayoshiza“at”cc.hirosaki-u.ac.jp (but replace "at" with "@")
Personal Homepage:http://www.st.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/~lclab/
E-mail: ayoshiza“at”cc.hirosaki-u.ac.jp (but replace "at" with "@")
Personal Homepage:http://www.st.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/~lclab/
Fields of Interest
Organic Materials Chemistry, Liquid-Crystalline Materials, Chemical Biology
Professional Experience
1979-1985 | Undergraduate & Graduate Research, Kyoto University (I. Tabushi) |
1985-2000 | Nippon Mining Co., Ltd. (present JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corporation) |
2000- | Professor, Hirosaki University |
2012- | Dean, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology, Hirosaki Uiversity |
Dr. Kyoto University, 1986
Membership of Academic Societies
The Chemical Society of Japan, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, Japanese Liquid Crystal Society, American Chemical Society, Japanese Society for Chemical Biology
Awards & Honors
- The Best Paper Award of the 14th International Display Workshops (2007)
- The Paper Award of Japan Society of Colour Material (2009)
- The Scientific Special Award of Hirosaki Universuty (2011)
- The Award of Japanese Liquid Crystal Society (2012)
Research Project
Specific Metal Accumulation Organized by Liquid Crystals with a Dynamic Hierarchical Structure Innovates Electro-Optical Effects or Pharmacological Activities
Selected Publications
- Tanaka, M., Yoshizawa, A.
“U-Shaped Oligomers with a Molecular Biaxiality Stabilizing Blue Phases”,
J. Mater. Chem. C, 1, 315-320 (2013) - Tsuji, D., Takanishi, Y., Yamamoto, J., Yoshizawa, A.
“Chiral Liquid Crystal Trimer Exhibiting an Optically Uniaxial Smectic Phase with a Double-Peak Polarization”,
J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, 8678-8687 (2012). - Yoshizawa, A., Kamiyama M., Hirose, T.
“Amorphous Blue Phase III Exhibiting Submillisecond Response and Hysteresis-Free Switching at Room Temperature”,
Appl. Phys. Express, 4, 101701/1-3 (2011). - Takahashi, Y., Hazawa, M., Takahashi, K., Sagisaka, M., Kashiwakura, I., Yoshizawa, A.
“Supramolecular Assembly Composed of Different Mesogenic Compounds Possessing a ω-Hydroxyalkyl Unit Exhibits Suppressive Effects on the A549 Human Lung Cancer Cell Line”,
Med. Chem. Commun., 2, 55-59 (2011). - Yoshizawa, A., Nishizawa, A., Takeuchi, K., Takanishi, Y., Yamamoto, J.
“Interlayer Interactions Induced by Amphiphilicities of a Rod-Like Molecule Produce Frustrated Structures in Conventional Calamitic Phases”,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 114, 13304-13311 (2010).