Associate Professor
Center for Molecular Systems & Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Contact Information
Address: 744 Moto-oka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395, Japan
E-mail: kishimura“at”mail.cstm.kyushu-u.ac.jp (but replace “at” with “@”)
Personal Homepage: http://www.chem.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~katayama/
E-mail: kishimura“at”mail.cstm.kyushu-u.ac.jp (but replace “at” with “@”)
Personal Homepage: http://www.chem.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~katayama/
Fields of Interest
Block Copolymers, Vesicles, Polyion Complexes, Drug Delivery System
Professional Experience
2000-2005 | Graduate Research, The University of Tokyo (T. Aida) |
2002-2005 | Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science |
2005-2006 | Postdoctoral Fellow, Japan Science and Technology Agency |
2006-2007 | Project Research Associate, Center for NanoBio Integration, The University of Tokyo |
2007-2013 | Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo |
2010 | Visiting Professor, EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) |
2011 | Adjunct Lecturer, Chemical Resources Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
2013- | Associate Professor, Center for Molecular Systems & Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University |
Ph. D. 2005, The University of Tokyo
Membership of Academic Societies
The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, The Chemical Society of Japan, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Japanese Society for Drug Delivery System, Japanese Society for Biomaterials, Controlled Release Society, The American Ceramic Society
Awards & Honors
- Award for Encouragement of Research in Polymer Science from The Society of Polymer Science, Japan for 2010 (2011)
- The Takagi award at the 20th Inteligent Materials/Systems Symposium (2011)
- Young Scholar Lecture Series of The Chemical Society of Japan for 2010 (2010)
- The best presentation award at the 18th Polymer Material Forum (2009)
- The 24th Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists from Inoue Foundation for Science (2008)
Research Project
Development of Fusion-materials Based on Polyion Complex Nano-architectures
Selected Publications
Oana, H., Morinaga, M., *Kishimura, A., Kataoka, K., Washizu, M.
“Direct Formation of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles from Microparticles of Polyion Complexes and Investigation of Their Properties Using a Microfluidic Chamber”.
Soft Matter, 9, 5448-5458 (2013).
Kokuryo, D., Anraku, Y., *Kishimura, A., Tanaka, S., Kano, M. R., Kershaw, J., Nishiyama, N., Saga, T., *Aoki, I., *Kataoka, K.
“SPIO-PICsome: Development of a Highly Sensitive and Stealth-Capable MRI Nano-Agent for Tumor Detection Using SPIO-Loaded Unilamellar Polyion Complex Vesicles (PICsomes)”.
J. Controlled Release, 169, 220-227 (2013).
Anraku, Y., *Kishimura, A., Yamasaki, Y., *Kataoka, K.
“Living Unimodal Growth of Polyion Complex Vesicles via 2D Supramolecular Polymerization”.
. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 1423-1429 (2013).
Anraku, Y., *Kishimura, A., Kobayashi, A., Oba, M., *Kataoka, K.
“Size-Controlled Long-Circulating Picsome as Ruler to Measure Critical Cut-Off Disposition Size into Normal and Tumor Tissues”.
Chem. Commun., 47, 6054-6056 (2011).
Anraku, Y., *Kishimura, A., Oba, Yamasaki, Y., M., *Kataoka, K.
“Spontaneous Formation of Nanosized Unilamellar Polyion Complex Vesicles with Tunable Size and Properties”.
J. Am. Chem. Soc, 132, 1631-1636 (2010).